Why I wrote what I wrote

I sometimes question why I decided to write what I wrote. I find myself asking myself over and over what was my motive behind it all, whether I had a bigger plan behind it all. Well, I thought I did. I will start with my first ever spoken word, which has not been published or […]

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What do you see?

Originally posted on The Blackstock Blog:
On a normal evening last January, I was scrolling through my twitter timeline. On it popped up a link from a guy I know from school, and I opened it. The link took me to Soundcloud, at which point I was expecting another amateur mixtape (I have since gone…

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I used to see writing as a task, a boring chore that was forced upon me during lessons in school. I never liked to write if I was told what to write, but I knew that I would take any chance to write if I could use it to express and be creative. From there, […]

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